Source Books Bibliography
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Title |
Author |
Suggested Audience |
Subject Area |
Indian Givers |
Weatherford,Jack |
Adult |
Indigenous Studies, History |
Native Roots |
Weatherford,Jack |
Adult |
History |
A People's History Of The United States |
Zinn,Howard |
Adult |
History, Social Studies |
Heart Of The Soul,The |
Zukav,Gary |
Adult |
Health |
Power Of Their Ideas, The |
Meier,Deborah |
Adult |
Education and Pedagogy |
Food Revolution, The |
Robbins,John |
Adult |
Health, Math and Science |
13 Original Clan Mothers, The |
Sams |
Adult |
History |
Man To Send Rain Clouds, The |
Rosen,Kenneth |
Adult |
Language Arts, Indigenous Studies |
Collected Wisdom |
Peacock and Cleary |
Adult |
Education and Pedagogy, Indigenous Studies |
Waasa Inaabidaa (We look in All Directions) |
Peacock and Wisuri |
Adult |
Indigenous Studies |
Dakota or Sioux in Minnesota as they were in 1834, The |
Pond,Samuel |
Adult |
History |
Walking The Rez Road |
Northrup,Jim |
Adult |
Indigenous Studies, Language Arts |
Cheyenne Memories |
Stands In Timber,John |
Adult |
Indigenous Studies, History |
Living Our Language |
Treuer, Anton |
Adult |
Indigenous Languages |
1491 |
Mann |
Adult |
History, Social Studies, Archeology |
Ojibwe Dance Drum, Its' History and Construction, The |
Vennum,Thomas Jr. |
Adult |
Indigenous Studies |
History of the Ojibwe People |
Warren,William |
Adult |
History |
American Indian Politics and the American Political System |
Wilkins, David |
Adult |
Tribal Law, Indigenous Studies, History |
Native Science |
Cajete,Dr.Gregory |
Adult |
Math and Science, Indigenous Studies |
Look To The Mountain |
Cajete,Dr.Gregory |
Adult |
Education and Pedagogy, Indigenous Studies, Math and Science |