Source Books Bibliography

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Title Author Suggested Audiencesort ascending Subject Area
Birchbark House, The Erdrich Middle School (grades 6-8) Language Arts, Indigenous Studies
Inni Natig's Gift of Sugar Wittstock, Kakkak Middle School (grades 6-8) Oral Literature, Indigenous Studies
Sacred Harvest: Ojibwe Wild Rice Gathering, The Reggiunti, Kakkak Middle School (grades 6-8) Indigenous Studies
Earth Under Sky Bear's Feet, The Bruchac,Joseph Middle School (grades 6-8) Language Arts, Oral Literature, Indigenous Studies
Fatty Legs Pokiak-Fenton, Margaret Grades 3-5 Indigenous Studies, Education and Pedagogy, History
Stranger at Home, A Pokiak-Fenton, Margaret Grades 3-5 Language Arts, Indigenous Studies
Legend of The Lady Slipper, The Larsen,Preus Grades 3-5 Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Languages
Unbreakable Code, The Hunter, Sara Grades 3-5 Indigenous Studies, History
A Coyote Columbus Story King, Thomas Grades 3-5 Indigenous Studies, History, Social Studies
Creator's Game, The Coulson, Art Grades 3-5 Indigenous Studies, Language Arts
